July 2019
Hello from Filip!
For years I’ve had a problem with a lazy finger on my left hand. For some reason, it has always been weaker than the others which is somewhat awkward when you dream about becoming a writer. When I type, I can usually type for about 30-40 minutes and then the lazy finger has a tendency to ‘droop’ and place itself squarely on the key ‘s’, which means that suddenly my screen is filled with a lot of s’s.
So, today I went through a neurophysiological examination of the nerves to check if there is anything wrong or if this is simply something I have to live with. It took about an hour and involved a lot of tiny needles with a small amount of current running through them, I’ll spare you the details. Mission completed and now it’s a waiting game until the doctor calls with the results. Fingers crossed.
But all is not bad since our trusted family dog is keeping me company. Stay strong.
Best regards,